Saturday, May 23, 2009

Weathering Adventures in DC

After my first winter in DC, it is finally starting to feel like spring.  I didn't get my much anticipated white Christmas; in fact, it hardly snowed here at all.  We had a couple big snowstorms, but not big enough to cause the Federal Government to close down for a day.  I never got one of those coveted snow days, as a break from our Arabic studies.  We mostly had cold rain throughout the winter and the beginning of spring.  It takes a lot of rainfall to support all of these huge trees here! 

We did go skiing up in PA a couple of times.  Luckily, they have snow-making capabilities back here.  It was like going to some of the smaller ski areas out west.  The weekends that we went tended to be towards the warmer side, due to our availability.  The conditions were reminiscent of skiing in the spring out west, which for a couple of Zonies, is what we are used to.  I like my slushie and warm conditions!  

The very brief Cherry Blossom season was spectacular!  We did go down to the Basin one weekend to meet a friend from Arizona and see the blossoms.  It was breathtaking for a couple of reasons.  First, the crowds were GINORMOUS!!!!!  I started to have claustrophobic flashbacks to the Obama Inauguration (just kidding).  Second, the blossoms were amazing!!! While we were walking through the trees - tiptoeing around the picnickers - I felt like I had passed into some sort of suspended reality or a fantasy world.  The contrast between the deep-green grass and the over-arching tree branches covered in pink blossoms was like a Hollywood set, as if I had just walked onto some Lord of the Rings scene.  Where were the Hobbits!? 

But, the weather is changing!  Now, the heat is finally coming, but unfortunately it is bringing the humidity, too.  It is wonderful to see the blue skies over the huge green trees and the feel the sunshine.  Swimming pools are opening.  It is hinting at the heat and humidity that is coming for the summer, which always leads me to ask, "Why did our founding fathers feel the need to put their nation's capital in a swamp?