Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Beginning

Dear Readers,

Here is the beginning of the blog I promised to all of the students of PJXXIII community - okay, and to the grown-ups, too. It was hard to say goodbye, but I told everybody I would post pictures from my adventures onto a blog - hence the name of the post.

I will spend some time in DC getting language training before we head to Jerusalem. I have been to both DC and Jerusalem before, but now I will have the time to explore and give voice to my musings. I have to let you know that these two cities hold very special places in my heart and soul.

It is difficult for me to visit DC and not be in awe of the magnificent history and culture of my country. It is a wonderful experience to get back in touch with the principles of our founding fathers and the sacrifices that have been made throughout our history to preserve those principles.

Though it has been over 20 years since I have been to Jerusalem, I can still remember the awe of being in the Holyland - the birthplace of my monotheistic religion. Jerusalem is beautiful! Once one has seen this shimmering city spread over the hills, so much of the Hebrew and Christian Scriptures comes to life.

So, welcome to my blog! I hope it is a fun and educational journey for all of us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We miss you Debbie! My prayers are with you and the family across the Country and across the sea!