Thursday, January 27, 2011

My new life as a FSO!

Well, I haven't written anything lately, but suffice it to say for now that 2010 was a year filled with interesting, and some painful, changes.

The biggest change in my life has been that as of September 13th, 2010, I am a bona-fide US Department of State foreign service officer, known as a FSO. Secretary Hillary Clinton is my boss, well, technically President Obama is my big boss. I am in the "consular track," which means that I will generally work in consular positions overseas, but I am also expected to work in the other areas during my career in order to best meet the needs of the service and my country. I actually have taken an oath to serve my country and the Constitution, and the Senate confirmed my appointment in November.

What do I do as a consular FSO? Well, the Consular Commission states, "Reposing special trust and confidence in your Integrity, Prudence, and Ability, I have nominated and by and with the consent of the Senate, do appoint you a Consular Officer..." signed President of the United States of America. I serve and assist the American citizen overseas. I will assist with cradle to grave issues for Americans abroad. Bill is an FSO also, but he is in the "political track." That means he is a political reporting officer. He is serving the interests of American citizens abroad, too, but in the policy level.

Together we are called "a Tandem Couple," meaning we are both FSOs that will be posted to the same place for our work assignments. Unfortunately, at times we have to be separated for training, like right now. I am currently in training here in Arlington, VA, while Bill is in Jerusalem finishing his tour-of-duty there. After this period of separation, we will be assigned in Baghdad together.

For this separation, Bill and I each took one of our two kids. Patti remained in Jerusalem to finish her IB program. I brought Kathy with me to Arlington. I joke with people that we decided to be fair this time and share the girls. Then I tell them that we are running away to Baghdad for our second honeymoon and abandoning the kids here in the U.S. I don't think the girls think it is very funny though...

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